Modern History time line

1857 – May 10, mutiny started at Meerut by Mangal Pandey.

1857 – University of Bombay, Madras and Calcutta founded

1858 – Nov 1, End of Company rule,
Transferred to British Crown
Govt of India Act
Lord Canning 1st Viceroy

1860 – Indigo Riots in Bengal

1861 – Indian Councils Act
Secretary of State for India + 15 members = Council of India
Indian High Court Act
Indian Penal Code for Criminal Procedure (1859)

1880-84 – Repeal Vernacular Press Act 1882
Hunter Commission, Lord Rippon, Education Reforms 1882
Local Self Govt 1882
Moderate Phase 1885 – 1905
1892 – Indian Council Act

1902 – University Commission, Lord Curzon
Universities Act 1904
Victoria Memorial Foundation Stone 1906
Extremist Phase 1905 – 1917
1905 – Partition of Bengal, Lord Curzon
Oct 16
Slogan – Vande Mataram used

1905 – Servant of Indian Society by GK Gokhale

1905-08 Boycott and Swadeshi Movement
Bang Bhang Movement
Surendra Nath Banerjee, Calcutta
INC joined swadeshi in Benaras session
Aug 7, resolution to Boycott British goods, Calcutta

1906 – Muslim League set up
By Nawab Salimullah at Dhaka

1906 – Calcutta session INC, Dadabhai Naoroji
Adopted Swaraj

1907 – Surat Split, Banks of Tapi
President RB Ghosh

1909 – Morley Minto Reforms
Separate electorate for Muslims
Implemented by Indian Councils Act 1909

1911 – Delhi Darbar, Lord Harding, Guest – George V and Q Mary
Cancelled Bengal Partition, Delhi made the capital
Gateway of India Estb by George Witet (Architect)

1913 – Gadar Party, Lala Hardayal, San Francisco
Knighthood to RN Tagore

1915 – Government of India Act

1915 – Hindu Mahasabha, Madan Mohan Malviya

1915-16 – Home Rule Movement by BG Tilak in Pune
Annie Besant in Madras
1920 Changed name to Swarajya Sabha

1915 – Gandhi arrived Bombay

1916 – Lucknow Pact- Congress League Pact
Hindu Muslim Unity, congress agreed for separate electorate

1917 – Montagu Declaration/ August Declaration
Indian Govt gradually transferred to Indian People

1917 – Champaran Satyagraha, Gandhi’s First Civil Disobedience in India

1918 – Ahmedabad Hunger Strike
Kheda Non-Cooperation Movement

1919 – Apr 6 Rowlatt Act
Apr 13 Jallianwala Bagh Massacre
Lord Chelmsford
Revenge taken by Udham Singh by killing Gen Dyer, 1940

1919 – Montagu Chelmsford Reforms
By Government of India Act
Dyarchy introduced at Provincial Level (Lord Chelmsford)
Subjects of Administration – Central and Provincial, Legislature made Bicameral

1920-22 – Khilafat Movement

1920-22 Non-Cooperation Movement
Calcutta Session

1922 – Feb 12, Chauri Chaura Incident, NCM called off

1923 – Swaraj Party formed, Congress Khilafat Swaraj Party
Broke up in 1926

1923 – Flag Satyagraha (S Vallabhbhai Patel)

1924 – Hindustan Republican Association, Kanpur, Kakori Robbery

1925 – Gandhi retires from active politics
Resumed in 1927

1925 – Rashtriya Swayamsewak Sangh by KB Hedgewar

1926 – Naujawan Sabha by Bhagat Singh

1927 – Simon Commission / White Man Commission
Review Montagu Chelmsford Reforms 1919
Lord Irwin

1928 – Death of Lala Lajpat Rai, Lahore demonstration
Formation of Hindustan Socialist Republic Army, Delhi, CS Azad
Bhagat Singh killed JP Saunders as revenge

1928 – Nehru Committee Report, set principles of constitution
Motilal Nehru and Tej Bahadur Sapru

1929 – 14 Points of Jinnah, demands of Muslim League

1929 – Lahore Session, president – JL Nehru
Resolution of Poorna Swaraj passed
Dec 31, Tricolour adopted and unfurled 26 Jan fixed Independence Day

1930 – Dandi March, March 12 – Apr 5
Civil Disobedience Movement

1930 – First Round Table Conference in London
Nov 12

1931 – Gandhi Irwin Pact/ Delhi Pact

1931 – March 23, Bhagat S, Rajguru and Sukhdev Hanged

1931 – Second Round Table Conference, Lord Wellington

1932 – Communal Award/ Mac Donald Award
Award on communal representation
Gandhi started a fast in protest

1932 – Poona Pact/ Gandhi Ambedkar Pact Sept 24
Hindus and Depressed class agreed on joint electorate

1932 – Third Round Table Conference

1935 – Aug 4, The Govt of India Act
Abolished dyarchy in provinces
Introduced provincial autonomy
Ministers responsible to legislative and federation
Dominion status not conferred as mention by Simon Commission

1935 – Myanmar Separated, completed by 1937

1936 Indian Civil Liberties Union by JL Nehru and Prez RN Tagore

1939-45 – World War 2

1939 – All India Forward Block, SC Bose

1940 – Pakistan/ Lahore Resolution by Muslim League
1930 – Iqbal’s suggestion of separate Muslim country
1935 – term Pakistan by Chaudhary Rehmat Ali
March 24, 1940 – Pakistan Resolution

1940 – August Offer/ Linlithgow Offer

1940-41 – Individual Civil Disobedience/ Individual Satyagraha

1942 – Cripps Mission, proposed dominion status after war
Constitution to be formed by Elected Constituent Assembly

1942 – Quit India Movement
Aug 8, Gowaliya tank, Bombay
Quit India term – Yusuf Meherally

1930 – Dandi March, March 12 – Apr 5
Civil Disobedience Movement

1930 – First Round Table Conference in London
Nov 12

1931 – Gandhi Irwin Pact/ Delhi Pact

1931 – March 23, Bhagat S, Rajguru and Sukhdev Hanged

1931 – Second Round Table Conference, Lord Wellington

1932 – Communal Award/ Mac Donald Award
Award on communal representation
Gandhi started a fast in protest

1932 – Poona Pact/ Gandhi Ambedkar Pact Sept 24
Hindus and Depressed class agreed on joint electorate

1932 – Third Round Table Conference

1935 – Aug 4, The Govt of India Act
Abolished dyarchy in provinces
Introduced provincial autonomy
Ministers responsible to legislative and federation
Dominion status not conferred as mention by Simon Commission

1935 – Myanmar Separated, completed by 1937

1936 Indian Civil Liberties Union by JL Nehru and Prez RN Tagore

1939-45 – World War 2

1939 – All India Forward Block, SC Bose

1940 – Pakistan/ Lahore Resolution by Muslim League
1930 – Iqbal’s suggestion of separate Muslim country
1935 – term Pakistan by Chaudhary Rehmat Ali
March 24, 1940 – Pakistan Resolution

1940 – August Offer/ Linlithgow Offer

1940-41 – Individual Civil Disobedience/ Individual Satyagraha

1942 – Cripps Mission, proposed dominion status after war
Constitution to be formed by Elected Constituent Assembly

1942 – Quit India Movement
Aug 8, Gowaliya tank, Bombay
Quit India term – Yusuf Meherally

1942 – Azad Hind Fauj/ Indian National Army
Formed by Ras Bihari Bose in Singapore
Brain Child of Mohan Singh

1943 – Rani Lakshmi Bai Regiment by SC Bose/ Burma at Singapore

1944 – CR Formula

1945 – Wavell Plan/ Shimla Conference

1946 – Cabinet Mission
Lord Pathik Lawrence, Stafford Crips, AV Alexander

1946 – Sept, Interim Govt led by JL Nehru

1946 – Dec 9, Formation of constituent assembly

1947 – June 3, Mountbatten Plan, Partition laid down

1947 – India Independence Act

1948 – Jan 30, Murder of Gandhi

1949 – RBI was Nationalised

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